Free Agency

ESPN Trade Machine – What could be, should be, and won’t be

ESPN Trade Machine – What could be, should be, and won’t be

December 6th, 2011 | by Nick Smith
While the final t’s and i’s are respectively crossed and dotted on the new collective bargaining agreement, fans everywhere wait to partake of what has the potential to be the most bizarre free agency period in the...

Take it to the Court: A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

November 12th, 2010 | by Jefferson
Take it the Court is a new weekly column on SCH featuring the arguments, opinions, and random musing of a Utah Jazz fanatic. In the preseason, Big Al Jefferson stated that he hoped to be the “Robin” to D-Will’s...

Francisco Elson – Really?

September 2nd, 2010 | by Mychal
The rumor mill has been talking about the Jazz signing Francisco Elson, the only Dutch NBA player of Surinamese descent. A legit seven-footer, Elson is a veteran player with the height and length to give Utah some depth behind Al...