Following an NBA team should be fun, and Jimbo Rudding makes sure it is. Jimbo is our resident mailbag artist at Salt City Hoops, providing our regular dose of levity as he answers questions with his signature blend of creativity, humor and unabashed fandom. You can submit questions to Jimbo at or by tweeting to @JimboRudding. Can I get an RT for that?
Q: If you were Gordon Haywood and you finally got the nerve to call (Jazz owner) Gail Miller, what would you say?
The truth is, I don’t know what I’d say. It’s difficult to even attempt to understand what went through Gordon’s mind on that fateful July 4th and why he hasn’t called Gail yet. The truth is, no one likes to make phone calls. OK, there are a handful of weirdos out there who like it, but for the most part, no one wants to talk to anyone on the phone. But guess what? We all have to put on our big boy/girl pants on and do hard things at some point.
Like every other Jazz fan, I wanted Gordon to be acknowledged and noticed and loved around the league. He was our guy; the one we had raised and groomed to succeed in our system…but then he had to go and ruin our July 4th by picking another team and then lie and give us false hope just to ruin a little bit more of our holiday.
So the easier task would be to imagine what the phone call would sound like if we could secretly listen in, like if we bugged his phone. Of course I wouldn’t actually DO that… Ha ha… That’s illegal and I wouldn’t know the first thing about… OK, once I tried to bug my girlfriend’s phone in high school, but it didn’t work because I duct-taped a tape recorder to the receiver and her dad noticed it. Actually, everyone in her family noticed it. I used WAY too much duct tape, I guess.
Anyway, if I were to guess, I’d say the conversation between Gordon and Gail would go something like this:
Gail: Hello?
Haywood: Is Gail there?
Gail: This is she.
Haywood: Oh…hi, Gail? I mean, Mrs. Miller? Uh, this is Gordon… Haywood. I played for the Jazz a while back. I was number 20. Do you remember me?
Gail: Yes. Hello, Gordon.
Haywood: Hi… so… How are things goin’?
Gail: Fine, thank you. How are you?
Haywood: Eh, I’m OK. I finally conquered Final Fantasy VII, so that was pretty cool.
Gail: (Pauses) Oh, that’s nice.
Haywood: Yeah, the craziest part was when I found out the Sephiroths were actually clones created by an insane scientist named Hojo.
Gail: And how are the kids?
Haywood: I don’t think he had kids. He was just a crazy scientist…
Gail: No, YOUR kids.
Haywood: Oh… fine, except they’re not good at Final Fantasy.
Gail: …and your wife?
Haywood: She’s not good at it either.
Gail: …
[extremely long awkward silence]
Haywood: ………….my hair’s a lot longer now.
Gail: So, what can I do for you Gordon?
Haywood: Oh, right… I just wanted to say thanks for all the basketball.
Gail: …well, you’re welcome. It was fun having you here. We all enjoyed watching you play. I was so sorry to see you get injured last year. We were all praying for you and your family.
Haywood: Yeah, that hurt real bad. I almost cried… but I didn’t.
Gail: Well I’m glad that you’re all healed up now.
Haywood: Yeah I’m glad because of that too.
Gail: Well, thanks for calling Gordon.
Haywood: You’re welcome. And maybe give Final Fantasy a shot. It’s fun.
Gail: OK then. Bye.
Q: With the scuffle heard around the league, I’m curious to know what three players you’d like to see get punched in the face and which three players you’d like throwing those punches?
First off, let me just say that I do NOT endorse violence, nor do I recommend it as a way to solve any disagreements and/or problems. That being said, I WOULD like to watch many NBA players embarrassed or inconvenienced in some way, including Jim Les, Ricky Davis, Derek Fisher, and Dennis Rodman, just to name a few.
Here is my list of three current players I would like to be inconvenienced:
Q: I am winning the lottery and sharing half with you. What are you going to purchase with your spoils?
Well, this is a real surprise and I am so grateful to have friends like you, Mr. Red Stapler!
Here are a few things I would do with my winnings:
Thanks for submitting questions, you guys. Remember to tell your doctor about Jimbo’s Mailbag. Do it loud enough so that all the nurses and receptionists can hear you through the door… and then cough a lot. Make it weird.
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