Earlier this month Dikembe Mutombo and the LDS Church announced a partnership to build a better water source for his hospital in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From the press release:
“We became involved with this project because the hospital seems to be doing all they can to provide quality medical care but still find themselves needing additional resources,” said Matthew Heaps, who oversees clean water projects for the Church. “We help them to help themselves by supplementing the hospital’s existing water source with an additional well for consistent and reliable water.”
The not-for-profit hospital, which opened in 2007, is the vision of Dikembe Mutombo, who retired this week after 18 seasons in the National Basketball Association. The facility currently has 150 beds with a planned capacity of 300.
“The hospital was built to help the people of my hometown live healthy and productive lives,” said Mutombo, who discussed the project at a 23 March dinner meeting with Church leaders in Salt Lake City. “This well project will supplement the water we currently have on site and will provide a critically needed supply of precious pure water in case of malfunction or shortages in the public water system.”
The work that Mutombo does outside of basketball is nothing short of amazing. I agree with Jeff Van Gundy that the league should name an award after Mutombo to recognize the great work he’s done throughout his career.
Church Teams With Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital
Biamba Maria Mutombo Hospital Site
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Every week during the regular season begins here at SCH with the Salt City Seven, a septet of recurring features that let us...Read More
Every week during the regular season begins here at SCH with the Salt City Seven, a septet of recurring features that let us...Read More
Every week during the regular season begins here at SCH with the Salt City Seven, a septet of recurring features that let us...Read More